Kinherit and Professional Paraplanner

Kinherit and Professional Paraplanner

We are pleased to have contributed to a series of articles on key topics that IFAs should be aware of. The series covers Trust ... Read more »

Kinvault solves the recognised industry problems

Kinvault solves the recognised industry problems

It seems that everyone we speak to ‘gets’ the value of the Kinvault, and the vast array of problems it solves. But why is public ... Read more »

Announcing TruReg

Announcing TruReg

Kinherit is delighted to announce the formal launch of TruReg - helping trustees and their advisers to register their trusts by the ... Read more »

New Year update

New Year update

As we enter 2022, Kinherit continues to grow and our offering continues to expand. All to give families better protection than is ... Read more »

The Free-Will and Charity-Gifting Fallacies

The Free-Will and Charity-Gifting Fallacies

Why ‘free’ Wills can cost you more in the long run Everyone likes something for free. And as Free Wills Month arrives today, it ... Read more »

Kinherit at 3 years: a growing family

Kinherit at 3 years: a growing family

We founded Kinherit to bring Will-writing out of the 19th Century into the 21st Century... Read more »

Understanding the true cost of death

Understanding the true cost of death

The Will-writing industry is dominated by “Cheap Will” headlines, but this ignores the cost of death. Read more »

How would you feel about your partner re-marrying after death?

How would you feel about your partner re-marrying after death?

How would you feel about your partner marrying again if, for example, you were to die first? Read more »

Legal Ombudsman on dire state of lawyer-drafted Wills

Legal Ombudsman on dire state of lawyer-drafted Wills

As people get more and more comfortable with Wills from Will-specialists (rather than lawyers) we came across this report from the legal ombudsman Read more »

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Call us: 01234 567890